Keep your peace of mind by knowing how the humidity and temperature in your Cigar Humidor is doing in your Commercial or Personal Humidor before a dreaded fluctuation in temperature affects your cigar inventory.
Protect your Cigar Inventory from variances in humidity and temperature
Protect your Customers Personal Cigar Box Storage from unexpected cigar quality
Unexpected events can ruin your cigars.
TrActivos Cigar
A remote temperature service that allows you, the Commercial Cigar Purveyor, to monitor the Humidity and the Temperature of your cigars through our Web-based monitoring Service, TrActivos™. Our TrActivos™ service helps to seamlessly monitor the performance and behavior of the Cigar Humidification and Temperature System that is crucial to proper cigar ambiance to achieve constant humidity and temperature all of the times. With TrActivos™, action can be taken to repair borderline Cigar Humidification and Temperature System by alerting your service company before system failure.
Dashboard View of Various Cigar Cabinets
Alarm Thresholds to monitor possible Cigar Humidification and Temperature System interruptions
Rules and Actions when Cigar Humidification and Temperature System may require service
Internet Dashboard Temperature and Humidity readings, and other readings of relevant importance such as door open and close
Email and SMS communications of Cigar Humidification